Sunday, September 13, 2009

Waddell Beach Mountain Biking to Berry Creek Falls, Big Basin State Park

For those of you who are looking for a nice mountain bike ride through the Santa Cruz mountains and you are tired of doing the same ride over and over, Waddell beach is the destination of choice. About 15-20 miles north of Santa Cruz Waddell beach is packed with things to do. Mountain biking, camping, hiking, horseback riding, bird watching, waterfalls and the Skyline to the Sea trail makes its end point right here also. Once your on your bike you will roll past grasslands, farms, horse stables, huge redwood trees and you criss cross the creek many times (thankfully there are bridges). From the parking lot it is just about a 6 mile ride on fireroad, but there are some singletrack sections where the road washed out. Make sure you bring a bike lock and lock them to the bike rack at the end of the bike road. Here you will find the trail that leads to Berry Creek Falls along the Skyline to the Sea Trail. From your bike it is about 3/4 of a mile to the falls. All in all it makes for a great morning ride/hike and anybody who is looking to get out and get some fresh air will find this portion of Big Basin worth the trip. Make sure you grab a map if you are new to the area. It is so beautiful in Big Basin State Park that you will definately want to keep seeing what is around the corner.

Check out some of my photos:
Danny about to go down a nice section of trail, Berry Creek Falls, and the entrance to waddell beach in the background.

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